About Us

Who we are

C Ecclesia Services Ltd is lead by persons who are very passionate about the welfare and achievement of children and young people. We also have extensive experience in working with children and young people particularly in the social care sector. We also have some experience in the education sector and in community voluntary groups.

“Broken Crayons Still Colour”, (David Weaver, 2018) is a phrase we reflect upon regularly as it encompasses some of the beliefs we have that guide our work with various individuals. We believe that no matter what people’s experiences and situations are in life, no matter how broken, there is still something wonderful inside them. Our work with young people and their care providers is to help bring out the best in young people and help them reach their fullest potential.

Why Choose Us

We recognise that there are many challenges being faced by all in the social care sector, particularly in the current climate. Having engaged in the social care sector for many years, we believe we are strategically placed to provide effective support both to young people and those who provide services to them.
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